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Environmental Policy

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EHS policy


Be honest and law-abiding, Protect environment,

Stick to safety production, Put people first,

Reduce consumption and improve efficiency, Strive for continual improvement. 


   At NWS, we promise that this policy is the guideline of all EHS behaviors and the core of EHS management system,we commit to:


1. Minimize any adverse effect on employees, interested parties and surrounding environment due to our manufacturing and living activities; insist on putting people first, safety production, protecting environment and striving for continual improvement; focus on reduction of environmental pollution and energy consumption, and gradually achieve our commitment to promote safety/occupational health/environmental/energy performance.


2. Comply with the international and domestic laws, rules and regulations and standards on safety/occupational health/environment/energy, and the requirements of interested parties; perform compliance obligations. 


3. Communicate information with interested parties, and share the management experience on safety, occupational health, environment and energy; make contribution to green production. 


4. Enhance employee training and strengthen their awareness on safety, occupational health, environment, energy saving and consumption reduction; ensure this policy be fully understood by all, and be effective.


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